Batman v Superman: You Can Now Tour The Batcave Via Google Maps
Batman v Superman: You Can Now Tour The Batcave Via Google Maps -
It can't be viewed from the street, but it can be seen via Street
View. The answer to this riddle is the Batcave and Google Street View's
See Inside feature shows off the interior of Bruce Wayne's hidden in
plain sight hideout in Batman v Superman.
Google and Warner Bros have collaborated on an inside look at the
mansion set of Bruce Wayne and the world's greatest detective. The
mansion is nestled inside of the Orion Oaks county park in a suburb of
Upstairs is all billionaire playboy, with its wide marble tile and
ultra-modern interior. The interior is surrounded by huge glass windows,
the kind big enough for power player with a troubled past and dark
secret to feel disconnected from the city that consumes so much of his
After leaving the living room, things get a little batty. There's a huge tunnel and beneath that lies the famed Batcave.
The See Inside look at the Batcave showcases many
iconic vehicles and gear, including the Batmobile and Batwing. There
are plenty of firearms, experimental weapons and a shop for machining
new ones.
There's also a tech lab and what looks to be a firing range into the
Batcave. Inside of the tech lab, there's some exoskeleton armor that
appears to be nearing completion and probably the most powerful gaming
rig ever pieced together.
"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" hasn't been received all that
well in the court of public opinion, with lowly 29 percent positive
review rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an average score of a mediocre 7.5
on IMDB. But that's not stopping people from going to see the movie,
which premiered on March 25.
The movie raked in a record setting haul of $170.1 million during its
opening weekend. That evidences show how people felt about the review
scores, according Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst for the
tracking service comScore
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